Cosmetic Dentists in Gordon, North Shore and North Sydney

Smile With Confidence

Your Best Smile

When your teeth are discoloured, or your teeth are crooked or chipped, you may not feel confident. At North Shore Dental Practice, we can help you get your best smile with our cosmetic dentistry options. Our team has experience with all aspects of cosmetic dentistry, and we regularly provide: 









Dental Implants

Dental implants are the most realistic-looking tooth replacement option. At North Shore Dental Practice, we're proud to say that we use 3D technology to give you teeth that last. In most cases, our team uses the Simplant system, which is where we lift the gums and can often avoid stitches, improving your recovery time.

Teeth Whitening 

 Teeth whitening is a good way to make your smile look better. North Shore Dental Practice provides all types of tooth whitening procedures, including take-home options (Optic White Professional Kit and Opalescence products) and surgery treatments (Smartlight 3LT). We are dedicated to giving you the teeth you've always wanted, so book an appointment with us today to get your brightest smile. 

We Are Members of the Australian Dental Association

Call us about cosmetic dentistry.

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